Monday 29 April 2013


A to Z Challenge – travels round Leicester with my camera No 25.

No, not the song – just another building I’m afraid. Although I’m humming the tune to myself as I tap away on the computer keys.

The YMCA Building on the corner of East Street and Granby Street was designed by A.E. Sawday in collaboration with Draper and Tudor Walters and was officially opened by the Marquess of Northampton in 1901.

What caught my eye on on this building was a series of crouching winged figures (I hesitate to call them angels) that decorate the upper recesses of the first floor windows along Granby Street. They’re a weird bunch with no obvious theme, so make of them what you will. 

1 comment:

  1. Wow, I must have walked past this building thousands of times and have never noticed the wannabe-angels! Another great post Sally :)
